Nothing good happens when the Pats play in Denver (not including the "intentional safety" game). But today is the perfect day to turn it around cause of all the Tebow hype and what he's gonna do. He's gonna get his dick smashed in, thats what he's gonna do.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I had a friend insist that jwoww had no plastic surgery after season one of jersey shore and i've resented jwoww ever since and get annoyed just looking at her face. Pretty gross how fake she looks, like she's Heidi Montag or something. Look at her before and after pics, its kinda funny. The only jwoww i know is the one who has boss armpit sweat
Friday, December 16, 2011
COOOOOOOP here I just met the other day. He came with a huge warning from my co-worker that he will hump relentlessly if you pay him too much attention, so at the risk of getting nutted on and my leg abused by this English Bulldog I ignored him all week except for this picture. But observing him, I picked up on his routine of waking up, humping his pillow all over the office, eating breakfast, dumping on his walk, then sleeping the rest of the day. The life...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
When I was about 13 at sleep away camp, one of the evening activities was "a night at the races", which is the counselors teaming up in pairs and then each bunk bets on a pair during various events. One of the events was the piggyback race. This one counselor Miriam was paired up with her brother Aaron, who probably weighed about 150 soaking wet and she picked him up first. The race starts, she takes ONE STEP and crumbles and screams. SHE SNAPPED HER FEMUR BONE...snapped it. Night at the races ended shortly after, but to this day I still have a hard time believing I saw that happen. So there is no way I'm going to think that all 115 pounds of Hoopz is gonna pick up 350 pounds and carry him on her back. Just not possible under the Okun Law's of Physics
Monday, December 12, 2011
Slow start, but after about 20minutes it was all Chelsea. I don't blame Clichy for getting sent off, the alternative of getting his dick handed too him by Sturridge all game in front of millions of people
Friday, December 9, 2011
This was the final puzzle on Wheel of Fortune tonight, which the guy didn't get. Pat Sajak said that the puzzles are random, but I don't know why the dude is laughing this off like its no big deal. I'd be fucking pissed if this happened to me. Whoever picks the puzzle obviously was having a shitty day to punk someone on national TV so bad. Might as well have made it "fucking loser" instead
Seamus (shay-mus) is apart of my golden brood at work. Problem with this stunning guy is he's way bigger than every other dog at work. He literally bulldozes dogs and then lays on them like he's in the WWE. He even went buck wild on Reef and took a chunk out of his neck. My poor boy had to get stitches. So after that, I decided that if Seamus wanted to wrestle, he'd have to wrestle me since I'm the only one who'd be a fair fight. And not to brag, but I kick his ass all the time, just look how defeated I leave him. Not so tough anymore, are you big guy?
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I was gonna write a follow up blog today about how pumped I am after Chelsea's win yesterday. Then I get home from work and turn on the games today and see that Man City was about to be knocked out and more importantly, those scumbag ManU pussies are losing to Basel..Basel! Just amazing to watch them get eliminated like that. Look at Ferguson's face here. You cold, old man? Or just ashamed at getting punked, cause your face is bright fucking red. Makes yesterday's result so much better. Great couple days of football
Daily Mail -Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and a woman scorned knows the best place to hurt a man is in his pants. At least thats how Maryann Scott got her revenge on her husband when he took $15,000 ring her had given her and hid it. When she noticed the ring was missing, she allegedly picked up a knife and then 'firmly grabbed his left testicle and refused to let go for two minutes. Scott's husband who has not been named called 911 after his testicle was freed and later took a picture of his crotch which showed 'red marks and bruising' from Scott 'grabbing it and holding it so hard'...When the husband showed the photograph to a sheriff's official, they arrested her and charged her with battery.."
Just not understanding why men allow themselves to let angry and bat shit crazy women anywhere near their nuts during a domestic dispute. There was that woman who inexplicably, some how, BIT OFF her boyfriends sac and now we got this lady who's trying to pop a nut. My biggest issue is what a fucking pussy this guy must have been to let this happen for two minutes. I would have bit her fucking nose off if I was him.
Sheriff must have been thrilled when he got this call and the husband said "don't worry, I have proof, here's a picture of my dick for you to inspect"
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
First off I want to say that the BCS is totally fucked this year. Just makes absolutely zero sense that a rematch between conference teams is possible to decide a national champion. Alabama gets beat on their HOME FIELD by LSU and now they play again on a neutral field?? Fucking joke, LSU will win by 20. And Oklahoma State would have beaten LSU, just saying
Having said that...After the BCS announced the game, saw a couple status's on facebook about how people from other SEC schools were pumped that the SEC had two teams in the title game...uhhh why? Isn't it a part of being a fan to hate your rivals? Like how does an Auburn fan possibly get excited that Alabama could win a championship? And its not just college football. I know a Marlins fan who always wants the NL East team to win the World Series and never understood it. If the Sox aren't in the playoffs, the team I'm pulling for is the team playing the scumbag Yankees. None of this "same division" bullshit. The day I cheer for the Yankees to win the World Series is never. Will never happen. I'll cut my dick off before I get excited about the Yankees winning the pennant. In my opinion, it makes you a shitty fan to want your rival to win and you're also really fucking lame
PS- it took me 30 minutes to find the picture above. No clue who they are, just wanted chicks from different SEC schools posing together. I typed in "SEC fans together" and there were a few dozen pictures of girls giving blowjobs and fingering themselves. Get your shit together Google Images
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Daily Mail -A 7 year old Massachusetts boy is being accused of sexual harassment after he punched another student in the groin while he was being choked, according to the boy's mother. Mark Curran says he was riding his elementary school bus home when a bully stole his new gloves and choked him, prompting him to act in self defense. 'I think my kid was right to fight back,' his mother told the Boston Globe...But now her son faces suspension or transfer to another school if he found guilty of the attack, according to a letter from Tynan Elementary school...'I just thought they were going to call the parents, tell us both to come in and make the boys shake hands,' Marks mother said. But instead, she says the began questioning her son on the incident and to his recollection. 'They didn't believe me..I didn't get my gloves back,' he told the Globe on Thursday. According to Marks mother, the school principal told her 'It doesn't matter who hit who first'. 'He said he hit him in the testicles,' the boys mother recalled of the principal. 'That's assault. That's sexual assault.'"
Kind of don't care about this story but all I could think of when I saw the headline was the episode of King of the Hill when Bobby is getting bullied and goes to women's self defense where he learns to kick guys in the nuts when he gets attacked. One of the best King of the Hill scenes ever. I just hope for Mark's sake, he screamed "THATS MY PURSE" before he kicked the kid in the nuts, which makes it an open/shut case of self defense
HUGE fucking win by the Blues. All night at the pub, I couldn't stop thinking about having to get up at 7:45 to sit through a wicked tense, make or break match, on the road, against a team above Chelsea in the table. Just way to tense. Got 3 hours of sleep, I slept on the couch just to be able to wake up easier since I'd be uncomfortable. How am I rewarded for this devotion? A TEXT BOOK DIDER DROGBA HEADER RIGHT UP NEWCASTLES FUCKING ASSES, THATS HOW! Huge win and no one better to set us straight than The Mighty One himself
Friday, December 2, 2011
Im house sitting/watching my neighbors dogs Frankie and Maxie here while they are away. Been here all week and now its Friday and we're gettin ready for the showdown tomorrow morning at Newcastle and ready to throw some coin on OK State tomorrow night. Got drunk last night and was staring at Max wondering why I like him so much and I realized its cause he reminds me exactly of my favorite childhood stuffed animal Buford...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Its Thanksgiving. There's lots of things I'm thankful for: Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Paul Pierce, my family, and dogs just to name a few. I'm very thankful for dogs, which is obvious, seeing as how I work at a doggy day care. So I'm gonna begin a new trend on here to give a little more flow to the blog. Starting in the New Year, I'll have a dog of the week as long as I got mutts to put up.
The inaugural dog that I'll place to day is obviously my nephew Bruce. He's Brett's dog, though don't bring that up in front of our mother cause she'll probably insist that he's hers. One thing there's no doubt if is that he's the perfect boy for the debut of "Dog of the Week"
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
There have been unwritten social rules, for people my age, in Boca for as long as I can remember. In middle school, you went to the movies on Friday night and the mall on Saturday. In high school, you went out one night, then went to Way Beyond the next morning for breakfast. And now, everyone goes to Atlantic the night before Thanksgiving. Its science. Why its like this, I got no clue, but its been this way for years now. Maybe its just me, I dunno. But I do know that for the next couple months, no one can complain I only go to the pub. If you go there tonight and are hot, mention this and I'll buy you a drink
Daily Mail -"Staff at a salon Down Under have given a particularly scaly customer a bikini wax and full body exfoliation. In a bizarre bid to show off their skills to potential new customers, they plucked and pedicured a crocodile. And just in case you were wondering whether reptiles have hair, there's some on a waxing strip to 'prove' it...And when it left, it was like a new lady- ready for the rough and tumble of crocodile mating season. Louanne Grasmeder, business manager for the Parap Day Spa in Darwin said: 'breeding season is just around the corner and we want her to look her best'..Spa staff member Jamillah Allen added, 'the lengths we go for great training'."
Hey Jamillah Allen, do you usually get a lot of customers with scaly skin and claws for nails? Cause I'm pretty sure training on tranquilized crocodiles is not the same as humans. Do it to the croc when she's awake, then I'll be impressed. And thanks for proving crocodiles have hair by ripping it out of her and showing everyone. I'm sure that croc hated her hair, so she definitely appreciates it. On the other hand, its nice of you to consider making her look good for mating season. All the male crocs will be pumped...FALSE. They are gonna be looking for the chicks with huge croc bushes like they've been doing for like 90billion years. Its proven science, crocs don't shave their pussies, thanks for countering evolution to get publicity.
I caddied for Zach yesterday while he played golf. Was just chillen and I look up to the roof of our cart and see this scribbled dog with his tennis ball. Whoever drew this needs tagging lessons from Jonah Takalua
Monday, November 21, 2011
Easily one of the best "what the fuck just happened" faces I've ever seen. Chiefs players strewn amongst the field, Arrington interception. Just an all around skulling in one play. Starting QB in the NFL looks like fun when you suck.
Hey Jaws, how did that first half dick sucking you gave Palko turn out? Idiot
And the reason is that I've been training to play linebacker for the Pats since NO ONE IS FUCKING HEALTHY ON DEFENSE. Does Dane Fletcher even have a thumbs? Cause if his thumb isn't already broken, I'm gonna fucking break it for him cause he's been hurt since around August and its bullshit
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I hate Liverpool more than any other team in the EPL. Just hate them. And with that fucking cheating rat scumbag Luis Suarez on their team now, it only adds to it. Nevermind why AVB didn't start Torres, but this loss is chalked up to one factor. My cleaning lady coming into my room during the end of the game. My door is closed, she obviously hears me cheering and stuff and bitch just does the knock and open and waltzes right in, STANDS IN FRONT OF THE TV, and asks if she can clean my room. All of this as Glen Johnson is bringing the ball up. She moves out of the way and the only thing I see is Johnson scoring. Such a slut move. And if people think Chelsea lost for any other reason other than my cleaning lady ruining my mojo, then fuck off.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I was fortunate enough to be watching Sportcenter when the Board announced that Paterno was fired, instead of him retiring at the end of the year like he said himself earlier. Pretty intense/wild/huge sports story. Guy is a legend and this is obviously how he's gonna be remembered, especially by anyone in my generation. I feel bad for him, but then I realize that someone told him there was a kid getting raped by his assistant and he did the absolute BARE minimum to do anything to help the kid or further prevent it. Fuck that. Shit is gross and if the school let him keep coaching, they'd have to drag this story with the football team the next six weeks while the season ended. It'll be bad now, but it sure won't be like the shit storm that would have happened with him around.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure the only people who are up in arms about why they fired Paterno are students and a few alumni. And Rece Davis who thinks that JoPa should get a pass for looking the other way on child sex abuse, so he can be on the field for senior day. Look at the (not very clear) picture above. You think this kid is smoking his cig in deep thought about the morals of the situation and how it reflects on the school? No chance. He's probably looking for some chick to smash or if he knows anyone in the crowd who's holding. Kids just trying to cause chaos. Classic college
Oh and I just saw a tweet from Ashton Kutcher saying "how do you fire JoPa? #insult #noclass"...Uhh how do you fire him? You find out he knew kids were getting molested in football facilities by the former d-coordinator and then just not follow up on it. Fucking idiot
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Daily Mail "A woman who had one of her five stone legs amputated and it was horrified when it began to grow back. Mandy Sellers suffers from a rare condition in which she has gigantic feet and legs but a slim, size 12 body. They 36 year old was told by doctors that her left leg was infected with septicaemia and could kill her if it was not cut off. But after 22 months after the surgery, her limb began to balloon again..'I hoped would stabilize but I think in my heart, I knew it would grow back'"
"Knew it would grow back?" Pessimist much? I mean with that attitude it will. Anyway, like I said, I've been where this lady is at for about 5 seconds in my life. I ate a decent amount of mushrooms in college when I was bored some Saturday. I started having a bad trip on porch, so I moved inside, sat on the couch and started watching TV. I ask myself if i'm feeling anything and I look at my shoes..they were a minimum size 19. They were huge! I was all like "niiice". But its wicked intense that someone has to deal with that. Thats awful
Monday, November 7, 2011
Right after Spikes drilled Ballard and got everyone fired up, I did something I never do when I'm watching my teams play and its a close game: took a picture of the play. I always think it'll be a jinx, so I don't pause the game for anything unless they are up big or already won. So all the experts can talk about why and how the Patriots lost yesterday, but plain and simple, its cause I took this picture. And cause Sergio Brown is a fucking idiot
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Solid road win for the Blues coming off two straight losses. Forget that this was a sick header, in traffic, by Lampard and focus on what made this such a nice goal. Ivanovic crosses it in..WITH THE OUTSIDE OF HIS FOOT. Like get the fuck out of here, guy. Perfect ball played in on the money and Ivanovic swings it in with his fucking pinky toe.
ps- how does Newcastle keep winning?
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
RVP just Heil Hitlering all over The Bridge. Scum Gunners |
Alright, I'm done with the re-caps, putting the scores of the game up and trying to analyze the games. I'll keep it brief with things like how Flo's throughball to RVP was his best pass of the year. Or Arsenal catching a huge break when Sczdaggriohgsny, or however his last name is spelt, didn't get sent off for his tackle late in the third. Even he knew he was lucky not to get sent off. Whatever. Tie to Genk? Sending Luiz to the spot? Uhhhhhh did AVB not see Brazil take PK's in the Copa America? They can't fucking score.
Anyway, still very early, team needs to get their shit together and fast too. Skulling Blackburn would be a good start
Monday, October 31, 2011
Billy Mays knew how to get down for the Worlds Largest Cocktail Party |
Seeing as how North Florida wasn't known for being much of a party/sports school, the best weekend of the year in the four and a half years at UNF was of course Florida-Georgia weekend. Didn't give a shit who won the game, just was trying to get as fucked up as possible tailgating with Big Jon and trying not to get my ass kicked or lost downtown. Just a great time. I was in Jacksonville every year for it up until this year. So feeling nostalgic I figured I'd recap the highlights of my five weekends there, starting with my freshman year to last year when I flew down from NYC:
Friday, October 28, 2011
Buddy runs out and just snags the Game 6 walk-off home run ball after one of the best World Series games in history?? He's gonna need a tranquilizer to go to sleep tonight.
Oh and what a game also
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Daily Mail -"Tisha Conklin, 38, from Bloomfield, Michigan, was pulled over on Sunday morning when she was observed driving her 1998 Jeep Cherokee erratically and following another vehicle too closely. When she got out of the vehicle, she was wearing a rather skimpy referee costume and registered a .17 on and alcohol breath test. When she was brought to the police station to be booked, they asked her if she would change out of the 'scantily-clad referee Halloween costume' she was wearing..they wanted her to wear prison scrubs instead. Conklin agreed to change and went into the bathroom but apparently changed her mind as she came out 'ready to fight'..'She started swinging at the officer. Blows were exchanged and the officer got hit in the face'"
Jesus Tish, clean your shit up girl! See this is a big problem I have with girls dressing up like sluts for Halloween. Not all of them can pull it off. Example A: This bitch trying to be a sexy referee. Nothing too outlandish, probably thought something sporty would get her dicked at wherever she was out that night. Problem for her is she failed to realize her gap tooth and one and a half eyebrows was not very attractive
I missed the first half of the game because I was being an outstanding employee and helped set up for the "Howl-Ween" party at work. So I was refreshing my phone about 10 times a minute for updates on the game. Very exciting to refresh and finally see that Chels was up 1-0. I get home at halftime, search for the game to watch online. Found nothing except BBC radio calling the game, so I just sat in my room and listened to the game like I was living in 1940. I've listened to baseball and football games but never English football and needless to say it wasn't very relaxing. Like I'm just sitting there starring at the wall and then hear "Turnbull shown a red! Penalty kick for Everton"...NEAT. Then again it was actually kinda neat to hear "CECH SAVES IT! REBOUND! CECH AGAIN!!" without seeing it. Either way, just listening too it was pretty tense. The crowd noise was very clear, could barely hear the announcers when Saha scored. Too bad that didn't matter cause DANNY FUCKING STURRIDGE tapped in a rebound 30 minutes later for the winner. I was starring at my ceiling and just started shooting little kicks into the air and fist pumping. Not sure who called the game, I only caught the analysts name was Rufus and he sounded Caribbean.
game notes:
-none, i didn't fucking watch it
ps-anyone wondering what "howl-ween" was, it was a costume party for dogs..
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Daily Mail -A woman who admitted to biting off her boyfriend's testicles has been warned she could be jailed. Maria Topp, 44, from Wreckenton, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at Newcastle Crown Court. She bit Martin Douglas, her partner of five years, during a drunken brawl at 4am at his flat in February..Mr. Douglas needed emergency surgery to reattach his genitals after the attack..'On the day in question, there is no doubt they were heavily in drink..There was an argument, a brawl begins and during the course of that, Ms.Topp admits she unlawfully bit the defendants scrotum'..The judge said 'I have no idea what I'm going to do with you..All options are open and that will include locking you up.."
Time out, tiiiiiiiiime out here people. First of all I held my nuts reading the entire article making sure they were safe. Second of all, "she unlawfully" bit this dude's sac off with her wicked snaggletooth? Pretty sure that's never lawful. Third of all and most importantly, HOW THE FUCK DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN. Like nothing about this is adding up. Not gonna lie, before I showered earlier after reading this, I was checking out my cock and balls in the mirror and contemplated the logistics of how its even possible for something like this to happen in a fight. How did this guy allow her to even get her face near his junk to pull any kind of stunt like this? All I could think was that it she did it like how you eat soup dumplings. Cause a scrotum, in essence, could be looked at like a diesel soup dumpling. Oh and how do you even salvage this and attach it back? Last I checked, you can't fix a soup dumpling after opening it. Jesus I'm about to make myself puke.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Night before the biggest game of the season and he almost burns his house down cause he was lighting fireworks in his house. Does he care? No, motherfucker makes a shirt saying "WHY ALWAYS ME", then goes and nets two goals against United at Old Trafford. Awesome. Guy is in with the mafia, crashes his car into a women's prison, gives a homeless man £1000 for no reason, gets pulled over with £5000 to which the cop asks him why he had that kinda a money on him and he answered "because im rich", and, oh yeah, he's banging this..
Since I hadn't written a Chelsea post in two weeks, I had it all planned out for Sunday. I missed post Everton cause I was wicked hungover during the game, figured I'd wait for after the Genk game to combine them. Then after the raping that was Chelsea winning 5-0, I figured I'd just wait till after QPR and triple up...then I watched the QPR game..
WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. I just want to get it out of the way now that what was most frustrating was that Chelsea easily could have scored twice in the second half to win, but didn't. But I don't give a shit what anyone says, the ref, Chris Foyd or whatever that fuck head's name is (he's not worthy of my time to look it up), was a nightmare. Just a disgustingly, inconsistent, joke of a game by the head ref. No one wants to be clean about the PK cause Luiz played the ball wrong. Cool, guy misplays like nine balls a game. But how does he call a PK when Luiz was first contacted in the same manner? What the fuck was that? Just bullshit. The Bosingwa red card was atrocious. Just atrocious. He runs shoulder to shoulder for 20 yards, both players making contact, both tugging, Terry is parallel to the play about 10 yards wide, yet Bosingwa gets sent off for what we can only assume is him being last man back???????????? WHAT PLANET AM I ON????? BULLSHIT! At the very very worst thats a yellow, but should have just been a whistle. I mean SWP got up like he wasn't expecting a foul to begin with. Tells you everything about how soft it was. Now as for my man Didier, they'll show a red for a two footed tackle everyday of the week, but he was at the ball a second and a half before Taarabt and got the ball cleanly and first. Dude is not just gonna defy the laws of physics and alter his momentum to not keeping going forward. Not his fault Taarabt ran into him. But at that point, ref was just out of control. Joke of a fucking game.
And fuck the FA investigating how Chelsea acted to the ref. Dude was completely out of his element and deserves every bit of criticism he got after the game from AVB. Hopefully the FA clears up what an asshole job of referring it was if they are gonna punish AVB and Chelsea
game notes:
-there's only one game note and thats just throwing it out there that if Anelka had hair, there's no way he doesn't bury that header in the second half
Monday, October 17, 2011
Had cereal for breakfast tonight and was doing the word search as I was eating. I didn't look at the theme or whatever, but was curious why the word "wino" was a choice. Then as I'm scanning the letters, look where I left my says sloor! So I look at the theme and its Amy Winehouse. BOOM, roasted.
(I know the proper spelling is probably slore cause its slut+whore, but still)
Daily Mail -"They were made for him as his eyesight began to fail as the second World War dragged on. But few photographs of Adolf Hitler in his reading glasses exist because he regarded them as a weakness and believed it would undermine his authority with his subjects. Sixty six years later, they are in the news as they come up for sale in a major auction of the Nazi leader's possessions... Expected to fetch £5,000, the glasses come in their original black leather case with dark blue velvet embossed with the name of Ruhnke opticians in Berlin which made them for him under great secrecy"
Oh ok Adolf, you were worried that your reading glasses would undermine your authority? Not having syphilis, banging your niece, loving golden showers, possibly only having one nut, being addicted to speed, having all three of your sluts attempt suicide including said niece who actually killed herself, or having possibly the most atrocious mustache in the history of facial hair? Yeah it was the glasses that would have made your cronies think less of you
Side note, hilarious that he had the glasses made special and secret for him. Would love to have seen his face if someone got the same pair and pulled an Elaine Benes like when she punked Jake Jarmel
Sunday, October 16, 2011
When you see Brady giving a classic Brady primal scream, there's a good chance the other team is losing. Think the last time the Pats went down and scored a TD to win the game when they were losing with under two minutes was the opening Monday night game against Buffalo in '09. Brady crushing another teams heart was long overdue.
Oh and people saying the Cowboys should have thrown the ball and not run it just to give the ball back to Brady.. Dallas is 2-2. Tony Romo had a hand in all decisions. So you could say it was 50/50 he made the right play. Throw in a false start on third really think letting him drop back on 3rd and 18 was a good call with the game on the line? Even 2nd and 12 would have been pushing it. Very happy Jerry Jones doesn't own the Pats
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Daily Mail -The famous original had 11 workers in flat caps precariously perched on a steel beam 800ft above the ground. But in 2011, these construction engineers in London swapped vests for high visibility jackets and safety harnesses as they ate out on a 755ft tall building. The photo- modeled after Charles C Ebbets famous 1932 original 'Lunch atop a skyscraper' - was taken by Michael Crompton as he worked on the Heron Tower in central London last year...The original was taken in New York on the 69th floor of the RCA building as it neared completion.."
Never really considered myself to be afraid of heights, at least not like my father who I've seen sweat profusely when he gets on the ladder to get papaya's from the tree in our backyard. Thing is only like 8 feet off the ground. But seeing the old picture of the dudes with no harnesses, including one guy drinking whisky??? Fuck.That.Shit. I'm nauseous just looking at these guys, harness or no harness
Honestly there's way too much to say to cover this whole fucking mess. I said weeks ago that Francona needed to go. Not cause he "lost the locker room" or whatever, but because he wasn't making good decisions. More importantly, Theo needed to go also. Guy gets a free pass to just spend money on who ever he wants and he fucking sucks at it. Don't get me wrong, in terms of building up an organization's farm system and drafting, he did a solid job. Problem is, they don't want to play their prospects. God forbid they take a season to play young guys and maybe sacrifice a season finishing third. I mean will Reddick and Kalish ever play for the Sox for a whole season? Doubt it. The owners want to spend on free agents and thats a huge asset for them, so hopefully they find a GM thats gonna spend the money wisely. Not give 5mil over two years for Bobby fucking Jenks and Dan Wheeler or that asinine contract for that bum/loser John Lackey. Get guys that you know can help, or give the young bloods a chance.
As for all the bullshit "leaking" to the media from a "team source". If anyone wants to know who the team source is, just take a look at the asshole raising his finger in the picture. Just absurd that this happened. The naming players for drinking and playing video games and what not is one thing, I kinda agree they should be called out like this. But talking shit about Francona like that? Total horse shit. Why even say it? Doesn't accomplish anything except making the owners and the team look more unlikable.
Great time to be a Sox fan!
Daily Mail -"Police are investigating the death of a man who was shot in the chest with an arrow after arguing with a man over his wife. Tony Bittinger, 43, from Fort Hill, Pittsburgh, died 'fairly immediately' after he went to the house of a 38 year old with a weapon and confronted him over the woman on Sunday...Police said Mr.Bittinger went to the mans home in the 7000 block of the Lincoln Highway with an unspecified weapon to confront the man over the way he treated his own wife. The two began to argue and the man went into his home to retrieve his compound bow. The man asked Mr.Bittinger to leave his property, but he refused and 'continued to approach' him, according to the news release. It was then that he shot him...The coroner said he died after the arrow punctured his lung and filled his heart."
Sorry if I'm being a wise ass but what the fuck does "filled his heart" mean? Isnt his heart already filled with blood? I'm assuming they meant filled his lungs, but whatever. The point I want to make is about the guy merking people with a bow and arrow. Thankfully I've never had a gun in my face before and I'm not gonna pretend I'm a bad ass and I wouldn't piss myself if that happened to me. But from stories I've heard and what I've seen on TV and shit, just cause there's a gun in your face, doesn't mean its loaded or the person intends to use it. But I'm pretty sure when some redneck is getting confronted about the way he treats his own wife no less, and he loads up his compound bow and aims it at you, he's gonna shoot you with it. Like, do you want to know what I'm doing if someone aims a compound bow at me? Running away really fast. So two lessons can be learned from this story: 1.Don't get in another mans business when it comes to his wife. 2. When a dude gets a compound bow and tells you to leave, you leave.
Oh and just cause I saw this picture when I was looking up pictures of compound bows and I've been on a huge breast kick lately..
Just not fair. This pic doesn't really do Hewitt's rack justice, but they are pretty phenomenal. Also, scene with SMG in her jean shorts are ridiculous. If I could choose five things to come back as in a next life, one of them would be her jean shorts.
Also want to mention something else about the movie since I turned it on right before this part. When they leave that woman's house after using her phone, they are just sitting in the car and the woman comes up and legitimately pounds on the window and screams "HEY!!!!" to get their attention. Pretty sure that a simple knock on the window would have done. If I were JLH, not only would I have shit my pants if someone scared me like that, but I'd definitely run her over with my car. Totally irrational
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I know I say this about a lot of commentators, but I was really impressed with the way Jim Nantz and Phil Simms were able to swallow so much of Antonio Cromartie and Darrelle Revis's cum and also call the game. Second half starts and he gets dominated by Deion Branch for a TD and either Simms or Nantz says that "he can't be blamed"...uhhhhh yeah bro, he can. He wasn't within 5 yards of Branch, how can he not be blamed for getting worked over like a little bitch?
Also, for those "Revis Island" losers/Yets fans, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what Revis' role was during Welker's 73 yard pass play. Cause either the whole "I don't get help over the top or need to double team" shtick is bullshit or Welker beat him like a red headed step child. Let me know.
PS Revis holds like a motherfucker
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Daily Mail -A pregnant performance artist is planning to have her baby in an art gallery in front of an audience as part of a work about childbirth. Marni Kotak will spend the next five weeks at the Microscope gallery in Bushwick, New York until the baby, her first, comes..She told the post 'I hope that people will see that human life is the most profound work of art, and therefore, giving birth, the greatest expression of life is art in the highest form.'"
Answer is unfortunately true. Really lady? This is performance art? I guess I understand her reasoning that its the "highest form of art" cause humans and the body and shit is wild, but how bout the fucking balls on this woman for thinking her giving birth, as a "performance", in public is ok? Newsflash: if you want to give birth in front of strangers or if you want to see a strangers vagina all ravaged with a baby coming out with all sorts of other nonsense and shit coming out, you are BAT SHIT CRAZY AND NEED HELP. Get the fuck out of here with that. I'm not doubting that when my future wife gives birth, I'll be in the room, cause her vagina is essentially my vagina and its my kid, but you won't find me delivery room hopping checking out everyone else's mess. Nothing artsy about it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Seven of the best weeks of my life was watching the Bruins with the Stanley Cup. Almost indescribable. Starting with game 4 of the Canadiens series, I drank a four loko for every game. Pretty sure my brain was not functioning properly for the rest of the playoffs. Beating the scumbag habs was amazing. Game 7 against Tampa was three of the most intense hours I've experienced. I had a J rolled and probably hit it twice during the game I was so tense. For the finals, Elpres summed it up better than I could with his "WELCOME TO BOSTON MOTHERFUCKER" blog. Vancouver were such unlikable dirtbags and pussies, it made beating them on their ice so much sweeter. Anyway, just incase anyone forgot..
Here's hoping every loser from Vancouver that was outside for game 6 will enjoy watching the Bruins raise their Stanley Cup banner tonight
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
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Daily Mail -"A 22 year old woman who allegedly killed an aspiring rap singer with a single punch for a $5 party bet has gone on trial this week. Tiffany Startz is fighting reckless conduct and battery charges after John "Fatboy" Powell, 25, died from a single blow to the face. He allegedly accepted the money when a partygoer named Jimmy Mounts, 27, offered $5 to anyone who could take a punch form her. Defense attorney Ira Goldstein argued in his opening statement that Ms.Startz had not broken the law because both sides agreed to the punch and she has no fight training...A mobile phone recording showed him staggering back as 20 people watched, before he said Ms. Startz could punch well and then collapsed...An autopsy ruled that he had died from a brain hemorrhage caused by blunt force trauma.."
I mean chalk this up as reason #398 why you never volunteer to get punched in the head. Death. How fucking stupid do you have to be to let someone take a free shot at your face?????????? Never understood people who did this cause 12 times out of 10, you're gonna regret it. It's obvious this guy saw what a dime this broad was, figured he'd prove how tough he could be and then use the whole...five dollars...he won and buy her a drink after taking her punch, get her boozed up then use his rap/tough guy swag and bang her? No clue. I'd let this chick do a lot of things to me for five bucks, but making my brain bleed is not one of them.
Easily the best part of this series was the announcer pointing out at the end of the game last night that this was the "first sell-out for the Rays since opening day." Hysterical. The last night of the season, arguably their biggest game in franchise history, had like 4,000 people there. Shit is pathetic. Seriously, how many games do you think the pig in the picture above went to this season? Just todays? Probably. On another note, its not so easy when you're playing teams that are actually trying, is it?
ps- pretty sure Adrian Beltre just cemented himself as a keeper on my team for fantasy next season
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